美味人生:(生活英語) 歡樂的季節 Festive Season



一般在感恩節那天,多數是家人聚會;而聖誕節那天,就會多邀請一些朋友回來一起慶祝。在這些節日裡,少不了一些傳統的食品,好像吃火雞(Turkey)、烤火腿(Baked Ham)或燒牛肉(Roast Beef)、南瓜餡餅(Pumpkin Pie)等等。最後,當然也少不了互相贈送禮物(Gifts)。

Jenny: Hi Rosa! So good to see you here!
珍妮: 嗨,羅莎!真高興在這裡見到你!

Rosa: Hi Jenny! Yes, good to see you! I can see your shopping cart is full. Getting ready for Thanksgiving?
羅沙: 嗨,珍妮!是啊,好高興見到你!我看你的購物車已經滿了。準備好過感恩節了?

Jenny: You bet. My entire family and my husband’s family are coming over.
珍妮: 當然啦。我的全家還有我丈夫的全家都會過來。

Rosa: Wow. You’re going to need more than one turkey.
羅沙: 哇。你會需要不止一隻火雞。

Jenny: And lots of cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, ham…… Oh! That’s right. I need to buy a pumpkin to make pumpkin pie!
珍妮: 還需要很多小紅莓醬、馬鈴薯泥、火腿……哦!對了!我還需要買一個南瓜來做南瓜餡餅!

Rosa: You’re always so well prepared. Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?
羅沙: 你總是準備得這麼好。你已經開始了你的聖誕節購物了嗎?

Jenny: You know me. I’d like to plan ahead of time. I’ve already done most of it.
珍妮: 你真瞭解我。我喜歡提前計劃。我已經準備得差不多了。

Rosa: You know what? I’d like to invite your family over for Christmas. We’re having a lot of friends coming to our house on that day. What do you think?
羅沙: 你知道嗎,我想邀請你們全家來過聖誕節。我們已經邀請了很多朋友那天來我家。你覺得怎樣?

Jenny: That’s very kind of you. How about if I discuss this with my husband and then get back to you?
珍妮: 真是太感謝你了。我跟丈夫商量一下再回答你,好嗎?

Rosa: Sure! Just let us know!
羅沙: 當然!到時告訴我們!

Jenny: Fantastic! Rosa, I’ll be in touch soon. See you and take care.
珍妮: 太棒了!羅莎,我會儘快聯繫你。再見,保重。

Rosa: You, too.
羅沙: 你也是。