親子樂: (English Space) “Lose your head” 怒不可遏


Editor◇艾美 Illustrator◇小志琴

Bible verse of the Month 本月金句


“”In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.
…but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (Ephesians 4:26-27, 29)

Meaning: to lose temper or control because you are too angry

One afternoon, Patricia and Annabella are at a coffee shop.

Pat : I was so angry yesterday that I scolded my son severely and punished him by not allowing him to watch TV for two weeks.

Anna: Oh! What happened?

Pat: He’s lost his mobile phone again!

Anna: What? You told me the same story three months ago. You mean he’s lost his second phone this time?

Pat: In fact, it’s his third time this year! Every time he lost it, it was when he was playing football.

Anna: Oh! Didn’t he lock his phone in the locker at the football pitch?

Pat: No.  He said he was always late and didn’t have time to lock it. And after the game, he forgot to take it but left it inside the changing room.

Anna: Oh! If I were you I would have  lost my head too!

Activities 活動

1) Which of the following words has the same meaning as “severe” in the text? 以下哪一個字是文中”severe” 一字的意思。
a) safe _
b) serious _
c) soft _
d) subtle _

2) Another name of “mobile phone” is c_ _ l phone. “Mobile phone” 的另一名字叫甚麼?

3) The playing field for football is called a football pitch. What about basketball? 足球場英文叫football pitch, 那麼籃球場呢?
Basketball co_ _ t

4) Have you ever lost your head? Can you describe the situation?

Answers to August issue:

1) mother and daughter
2) Examples are: cello, violin and trumpet
3) Examples are: P.E. and Religious Studies
4) Answers vary