親子樂: (English Space) “Written in stone”

Editor◇艾美 Illustrator◇小志琴


Bible verse of the Month 本月金句
「……我們各有不同的恩賜……服事人的,就應當照著恩賜去服事;教導的,就應當照著恩賜教導;要彼此同心,不可心高氣傲,倒要俯就卑微的。不可自以為聰明。」《羅馬書 12章 6,7,16節》
“…We have different gifts… if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; Live in harmony with one another.Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.” (Romans 12:6,7,16)

Meaning: Permanent and not able to be changed
John: Charles, I can’t study with you in the same class in this academic year. You know I’m not promoted because I’ve failed in English.
Charles: It’s really sad to hear this! It’s only one subject that you’ve failed. And you have performed so well in all other subjects. You should have spoken to our school Principal and see if he would promote you on a probationary basis. But it’s all too late now!
John: Well, I had! But our school is really strict about the promotion of students. The requirements are written in stone.
Charles: Okay! Work hard, John! You”ll be fine. I’m strong at English. I can help you whenever necessary.

Answers to September issue:
1) Master of Ceremony
2) 司儀
3) C
4) Answers vary