親子樂: English Space “Butter someone up” 誘取情報

Editor◇艾美 Illustrator◇小志琴


Bible verse of the Month 本月金句

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. (John 15:12)


to flatter a person in order to get something you want or to gain support
Amy is a close friend of Marie.
Edwin is a colleague of Marie and is very fond of her. But he is too shy to date Marie.
At a cafe:-
Edwin: Hi, Amy! Thank you for coming and have coffee with me. I know you like chocolates, and this is an early Christmas gift for you.
Amy: How lovely! This is my favourite brand of chocolates. Thanks so much, Edwin!
Edwin: You always go on holiday with Marie during Christmas. Have you got any plans this year?
Amy: Well, Marie’s got no free time this Christmas because of her professional exams at the seminary. So I’ll only buy her a present.
Edwin: So what are you going to buy her? What does she like? What foods does she like? What are her favourite colours? Does she like going to movies?…
Amy: Haha, Edwin! Now I know this box of chocolates has got some very special meaning to me here! You’re trying to butter me up in order to know more about my friend Marie!

Activities 活動

1) Coffee is a very common drink in many Western countries. Can you write two kinds of coffee that you see in cafes?
2) Which day in December is Christmas Eve?
3) Which day in December is Christmas Day?
4) Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of someone. Who was he?

Answers to November issue

1) colleagues
2) Examples are: cook, nurse, secretary
3) Examples are: doctor, policeman, teacher
4) mouth