親子樂: (English Space) “Tie up loose ends”



Bible verse of the Month 本月金句
「沒有異象,民就放肆;惟遵守律法的,便為有福。」《箴言 29章18節》
“Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.” (Proverbs 29:18)

John: HI, Mary! Anna and I are going to watch this Sherlock Holmes film tomorrow. Tickets for the morning sessions are cheaper. Are you interested?
Mary: I can’t go with you tomorrow ’cause I have to go back to school in the morning.
John: Why? It’s summer holiday now. Why do you still need to go to school?
Mary: Well, it’s the House’s committee meeting! We’re running a “Textbooks resale” activity next week and so we’re holding our last committee meeting tomorrow to tie up some loose ends.
John: Oh I see! Why don’t we wait for you and watch this film together the day after!

Answers to July issue:
1) b
2) d
3) Examples are : daisies, poppies
4) Answers vary